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3d memoryの例文


  • This issue is particularly serious for the spiropyrans, but extensive research was conducted to find more stable chromophores for 3D memories.
  • When a graphics card processes 3D memory, it may not always do it efficiently _ a triangle that's very small may have to be processed in the same way that a larger triangle might be.
  • The second, Jay Forrester's, was the coincident-current system, which enabled a small number of wires to control a large number of cores enabling 3D memory arrays of several million bits e . g.
  • In Enterprise Tech publication ( May 2015 ) LexInnova s report on 3D memory was mentioned in accordance to the allusion that the majority of R & D in SSD technology has been in 3D NAND, which is the most important technology for increasing the capacity and lowering the cost per gigabyte of storage drives.